December 2009 was the beginning of then Divello Travellounge GmbH. Since then we have made changes to the core business of the company, always keeping a focus on travel related online business.
Pages have changed, pages have been added, but the core belief is that of providing clients with affordable quality. No compromise.
Divello was founded in 2009 along with 21Torr (Reutlingen) as co partners. The cooperation was dissolved and is now a 100% independent GmbH based in Frankfurt am Main.
Whereas core business remains travel, we also offer web dessign and provide support in web related projects, be they of travel nature or other.
WBS Blank is the tour operating software of choice in Germany and Austria. It’s proven track record and stability make it a workhorse for large tour operators.
We have provided solutions for use with backend data processing to give our clients a clear, visual feed of sales and projections.
AI learning processes can predict and help decision makers in this highly competitive field.
Gravity, programmed by Rightbrain Co. Ltd. in cooperation with Divello is an API based snippet which reads customer data on WBS Blank.
Using Gravity resulted in simplifying sales reporting and providing users of WBS Blank software with a user friendly, highly customisable user interface to report sales, and provide selling agencies with up to date sales reports and commision reports.